Hello and Welcome
I am the author of historical romance novels filled with adventure, drama and, of course, romance. I have been writing for many years and love getting lost in the lives of my characters as they tell me their stories.
I live north of Sydney, Australia, on the Central Coast close to beautiful beaches and tranquil lakes. I enjoy spending time with my family and playing the piano, which is something I recently decided to learn. Another creative outlet which I really enjoy. Otherwise, you can usually find me writing, or editing one of my completed manuscripts. One day I will manage to focus on just one and publish another book. But which one? Decisions, decisions …
My latest historical romance, IN THE STARS, is available in paperback and ebook format. Click on the Books tab to read all about it.
Pop over to my Books page for information on my current books 🙂

Thank You’s
Many thanks to Bec Bennett of Firefish Creative (www.firefish.com.au) for her amazing creativity designing my book covers. She has truly brought them to life!
A big thank you to Warren for working tirelessly to create my webpage for me. It has come together wonderfully!